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Planning Board Minutes 12/06/2006

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Barbara Gray, Gerald Parent, Stephen Oliver, David Rowell, Ronald Harper, Alfred Pickard; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Chairman Dennis O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

ANR #06-07 – John Hennessey, 111 & 121 Meadow View Rd.
(Map 8, Parcels 172 &173)  1 lot
Chester Lay of Slade Associates represented John Hennessey and presented the plan to reconfigure Map 8, Parcels 172, 173 and 175.  The access for the lots to be combined is off Meadow View Way, and the homestead lot is on Cranberry Way.  The homestead lot (Parcel 175) is to gain a small portion of Parcels 172 and 173.  The Planning Board would like to see on the plan the total acreage of the homestead lot after the redivision.  Mr. Lay said he would provide the figure.  
Barbara Gray moved to deem the plan in an ANR. Pickard seconded.  The motion to endorse ANR #06-07 carried 7-0.

Rex Peterson and Planning Board discussed the Endangered Species enforcement policy and filing procedures according to the new guidelines.  

Dow Drive
Town Clerk Dawn Rickman had requested that the covenant for DSD #01-02 be released so that she could close the escrow account for the order of conditions regarding vegetation on the sides of the road.  A site visit had revealed that vegetation at the side of the road has grown in and that the catch basins are in place.  The sand should not spill into the road anymore.    Harper moved to release the covenant.  Pickard seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Affordable Rent Spreadsheets
Peterson presented and explained the HUD fair market rents for Wellfleet from 2002 to the present.  The second part of the spreadsheet showed median family incomes in Wellfleet for the same time period.  The third chart compared the HUD figures and percentages of median rents. A fourth chart, dated 2003, presented utility allowances.  Peterson concluded there was nothing to be gained in changing the rents.  Rowell discussed removing the limitations from the income levels.  Parent pointed out that the figures are for maximum income.  Parent said the numbers have to work for the owners as well as the renters.  Pickard studied the numbers subtracting heating and utility costs.  Peterson said he would look for an updated utility allowance chart for a more accurate picture.  

Accessory Building Bylaws
Peterson explained the Building Inspector’s concern about the number and size of accessory buildings.  Peterson discussed limitations of accessory buildings.  Rowell said lot size determines the limits of building.  O’Connell said there were also limitations from setbacks.   Office and guest house usages were also compared.  Possibly side line limitations for structures with designated bedroom space could conform to main dwelling setbacks.  Another possibility would be setbacks by the number of stories in an accessory building.  Height limitations for accessory buildings might also be an option.  The discussion will be continued at the next meeting after more consultation with the Building Inspector.

Minutes of 11/6/06
Gray moved to approve the amended minutes of November 6, 2006.  Parent seconded and the motion carried 7-0.

Other Business
Planning Board discussed the “Airstrip” parcel and road access to it.

The future fire station plans may be reviewed by Planning Board, according to Rowell.

The Small Cities Grants announcement from Suzanne Thomas was read.     
A letter by William Gazzola recommending residential lighting bylaws was considered. This could be the subject of a General Bylaw for lighting, according to O’Connell.  Harper provided some ideas for such a bylaw.  In the sign code there is language which addresses lighting, but there is nothing in place for residential situations.  Harper said most cases are solvable.  Gray suggested that Harper write a draft for a lighting bylaw, and he agreed to do so.
The Charter Review appointment of Barbara Gray by Town Moderator Harry Terkanian was announced.

Gray said she and Steve Oliver had met to discuss wind turbine bylaws.  She and Ron Harper had attended another meeting on wind turbines.  PB members will attend the December 11 LCP& D Roundtable meeting, which will be considering wind generators with other Lower Cape towns.  

O’Connell distributed an outline of Subdivision Rules and Regulations topics to consider at the January 24 meeting.  

Gray moved to adjourn.  Oliver seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman   
